Welcome To Santé Mont-Royal

Santé Mont-Royal

Clinic Address

4480 Chemin de la Côte de liesse
Suite 110
Ville Mont-Royal, QC
H4N 2R1

Entrance on 2435 Rue Manella

Handicapped parking and entrance located on Cote de Liesse

Phone & Email

Telephone: 514 819 6649
Fax: 514 731 6650
Email: reception@santemontroyal.com

Holiday Hours

Good Friday (9am – 1pm)
Easter Monday (9am – 1pm)
Victoria Day (9am – 1pm)
St-Jean Baptiste Day (9am – 1pm)
Canada Day (9am – 1pm)
Labour Day (9am – 1pm)
Thanksgiving (9am – 1pm)